Documentation generation guide

This page describes how to generate the Lime Suite NG documentation (the very thing you’re reading right now) on Linux.


Components needed to generate the Lime Suite NG documentation:


To set up the environment for the documentation generation, you will need to set up a Python virtual environment (venv).

To set up the environment, run these commands:

python3.8 -m venv venv # Create the virtual environment directory
source venv/bin/activate # Activate the virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt # Install all the required dependencies for the generation


One should run these commands in the docs directory.


In the docs directory, located in the root directory of the repository, while in the venv, run these commands:

cmake -S .. -B ../build # Generate the make file for the suite.
make --no-print-directory -C ../build doc # Build Doxygen documentation
breathe-apidoc --generate class --members --force --output-dir apidoc ../build/xml/ # Generate the class API pages
python # Add a flag to add all undocumented members into the page
make html # Generate the documentation itself


These commands or the script must be run in the venv, otherwise it will fail.

For ease of convenience, there is also a script located in the docs directory.

After a successful generation the resulting documentation pages will be located in docs/_build/html directory.


There also exists a Docker file to generate the documentation. To generate this documentation using Docker, in the root directory of the repository run:

docker build -o <output_location> -f GenerateDocumentation.Dockerfile .

This will run the whole documentation generation script and place the generated HTML in the specified directory.

More information

For more information about how to set up and write the documentation, check out the MyriadRF Handbook.