Documentation generation guide ============================== This page describes how to generate the Lime Suite NG documentation (the very thing you're reading right now) on Linux. Prerequisites ------------- Components needed to generate the Lime Suite NG documentation: - `GCC`_ - `CMake`_ - `Python 3.8`_ - `Doxygen`_ Setup ----- To set up the environment for the documentation generation, you will need to set up a `Python virtual environment (venv)`_. To set up the environment, run these commands: .. code-block:: bash python3.8 -m venv venv # Create the virtual environment directory source venv/bin/activate # Activate the virtual environment pip install -r requirements.txt # Install all the required dependencies for the generation .. note:: One should run these commands in the ``docs`` directory. Generation ---------- In the ``docs`` directory, located in the root directory of the repository, while in the venv, run these commands: .. code-block:: bash cmake -S .. -B ../build # Generate the make file for the suite. make --no-print-directory -C ../build doc # Build Doxygen documentation breathe-apidoc --generate class --members --force --output-dir apidoc ../build/xml/ # Generate the class API pages python # Add a flag to add all undocumented members into the page make html # Generate the documentation itself .. important:: These commands or the script must be run in the venv, otherwise it will fail. For ease of convenience, there is also a ```` script located in the ``docs`` directory. After a successful generation the resulting documentation pages will be located in ``docs/_build/html`` directory. Link checking ------------- To check whether all URLs in the documentation are valid, there exists a ``make`` target to automatically check the links: .. code-block:: bash make checklinks .. note:: Run this in the ``docs`` directory while in the venv. This will check whether all the URLs in the documentation are still valid and open a working webpage. Any broken links will be shown in red and also listed in the ``_build/linkcheck/output.txt`` file. Docker ------ There also exists a Docker file to generate the documentation. To generate this documentation using Docker, in the root directory of the repository run: .. code-block:: bash docker build -o -f GenerateDocumentation.Dockerfile . This will run the whole documentation generation script and place the generated HTML in the specified directory. More information ---------------- For more information about how to set up and write the documentation, check out the `MyriadRF Handbook`_. .. _`GCC`: .. _`CMake`: .. _`Python 3.8`: .. _`Doxygen`: .. _`Python virtual environment (venv)`: .. _`MyriadRF Handbook`: